Friday, May 28, 2010
whoaa!..very long tyme i never open this blog rindu ,,
exam start 2hari lpas ,so next week 1 week ,saye continue hve my examintion back and so i'll study 4 my best and my good ..wei baru2 ni asyik sane sini justin sgt ke dye saye ustin tu okay gak la but dari segi suare n joget dye je...pasrt2 yg ade awex2 tu x menarik la..mcm ape je..dah la baru 17 tahun..sore pon mcm kid baru 12 years old pon..have a good day and very well day for your exam next week i hope and wish that we all can make a best result as before..k thats all from me muh taufiq and back to my fb ..those who want to add me as your frend ..just type "taufiq selamber"'ll see my new jacket with yellow line on them and colour of tht jcket is,see yup!! wassalam
wroten by ~Muhammad Taufiq~ at 8:27 AM 0 comments